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Second time around

This is me in 1998. One of the last pictures of me and my dad of us together.

He put me through Beauty College the first time back in 1984.  The only reason my license expired
was because I was living in England. This picture was taken on the day I left for England.
I did see him one year later with my new hubby.
Then that was the last time I saw him. I can honestly say that he wasn't the greatest dad in the world,
but he was my dad and I thought he was great. 
He always had a story to tell. He would make it funny even if it was a bad experience.
He was held at knife point, gun point (twice), almost went off a cliff, passed out from fumes
gold mining, rolled over in a Caterpillar truck (not his fault), went speeding in his dad's car
as a teen and made the choice to stop in time and never told his dad. 
He attempted to break up a gang fight but the cops showed up in time.
Survived a heart attack in 1997
Just like a cat with 9 lives.
He did pass away in April 2010.
I am proud to mention that in this picture, I gave him that haircut.
He wore his hair like that his whole life.
Me, growing up, I had straight hair. As I hit my teens, my hair went nuts.
I didn't know what was going on with my hair. Every place I got it cut, they never
told me what to do about my "hair". I hated every picture of me. I was teased all the time
and had a very low self esteem. It was when I started Beauty College,
one of my instructors said that I had naturally curly hair.
She let me be a demo for class and cut my hair with a style that suited me.
I started using better products too.
I like to help people feel better about themselves too. 
I cut their hair the way they want, not what I want unless it is requested.
I wish that it was the same for me.
I still get hairdressers wanting to cut my hair the way they want and I hate it.
  I end up with "mall bangs"

I want to have my own salon again one day and if I do,
I want to dedicate a wall to my dad.
There is a song also that directed me back to beauty college,
"Is There Life Out There" by Reba McEntire.
It was January 2011, I finally got my GED.
I quit high school in my senior year suffering with dyslexia.
My teachers were no help to me back then, so I quit.
I am a hands on person, and always have enjoyed crafting of some sorts.
Cosmetology is just another form of arts and crafts for me.